I Fell Off My Camel

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I Fell Off My Camel

00:00 02:57

I Fell Off My Camel

“I Fell Off My Camel” is an imagined soundtrack for the moment when Rebecca first sees her future husband Isaac, as Eliezer leads her to his tent on a camel after their long journey from her homeland. Translated literally, the Torah says that when Rebecca first lifted her eyes and saw Isaac, she fell off her camel: “vatipol me’al hagamal” (Genesis 24:64). This probably means she “got down” rather than falling off, and almost all translations interpret the verse accordingly: “And Rebecca lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she alighted from the camel.” Still, falling off a camel is such a great image for love at first sight. This song was written collaboratively by Girls in Trouble singer-songwriter Alicia Jo Rabins and her then-boyfriend, now-husband Aaron Hartman. Aaron usually plays bass in the band, but plays piano on this track. Alicia plays the acoustic guitar.

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